Thursday, November 17, 2005

bliss(ter)-ful day

if u dont get the title, i dont know how else to put it. u're just not 'gurl savvy' baybeh.

i had some awesome fun today. i went shopping, and i didn't just get the things that i bought, but i also got 3 blisters, one for every hundred that i spent. and no, that's not the fun part.
the fun part was, well, shopping of course! and yes, finally had the 'kwality thaing' with my abg syg: Nas. and his gurlfwen Mims.

a breakdown of wut i gone got myself. in order, mind you.
1) little black heels
2) jersey top
3) under thingies. *haha
4) bottle of perfume
5) tube of gloss
6) a zipper case

is that all....yes, i think that's all...


i've realised that i'm a person who cannot be left alone in a shopping mall lest i end up overspending and with more blisters than i can handle.
i walk in and out of shops, eyeing and buying everything as far as my cash can stretch. such a spendthrift, i am. but the thing is, i actually use what i buy. unlike the stereotyped self-professed shopoholics who buy but at the end of the day just stuffs the things to the back of the closet. such a waste i say.

i also discovered that i'm a person of surerity. is there such a word? i mean, assurance..'sure-ness', that's what i mean. you get the picture.
i hate just hanging around doing nothing, so ironically, i fill up my time while emptying my cordouroy purse. that's in one situation.
in another, i hate the feeling of being unsure. unsure of what's happening, unsure of what's to come. unsure of statuses of certain things. so i decide not to bother at all. just turn a blind eye, deaf ear, heartless, impassionate, like i don't care. but i do. but ignoring these feelings completely seem to be working. for now, until i unknowingly find myself to be actually quite bothered by it, really. then the whole rush of emotions, yada yada. ("typical girl", i hear u mumble..)

can't i just have the answers to some questions immediately? yes, no. simple. fine, so maybe the 'yesses' will come with some 'buts'..the 'nos' will come with their own 'buts'..regardless, the 'buts' are of second concern which is why it's "yes/no" then "but..."

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