Sunday, January 22, 2006


i'll write. tonight.
i just need to gather my thoughts.

Saturday, January 07, 2006

Selamat Tahun Baru

Happy 2006!

it's been a while since i've blogged so macam taktau apa nak type. hahaha.
berterabur pula rasa. no idea, no structure, no nothing. but i felt like i had to post one to start off the year right.. *taps fingers on wrist pads*

i welcomed the year quitely at home. yes. i was at home. gelak la, kesian la, suka hati la.
but it came with an excitement i couldn't contain, anticipation for a great year, and motivation to live 2006 to it's peak.

i know i shouldn't really believe horoscopes and all that, but it predicted such an irresistable array of events, i just couldn't help but feel as if 2006 is definitely going to be hot.
my first week in 2006 has been awesome already, so yes, i can't wait for what's next.
although perhaps my joy could be short lived but hey, a girl can be optimistic yes?

alright. since i don't really have much to say yet, i'ma chill and ride the clouds.
