Sunday, November 20, 2005

Hopeless Kitchen Help

"kau jangan ikut cara mat salleh. mat salleh buat kerja selekeh."

err...not the typical stereotype, this was in the context of food preparation. ever watched one of those cooking shows where the cook seem to chop every thing up like a ninja and simply throw them into whatever that they're cooking? yes. those.
well i was helping mom in the kitchen, she told me to chop up some garnish for the soup. so that's exactly what i did, chop. then she said i was doing it wrong. that's when she uttered the phrase above. haih. i can't seem to do anything right by her standards. never. itu je la.

"yes, i scalded the water so u can boil the mee."

at retort to mom's question of whether i've "scalded the water yet." semua tgh kelam kabut nak siapkan food for the guests. sampai my mom cakap pun dah tak betul. obviously she was asking if the water had been boiled so we could scald the mee. but it came out jumbled, so i answered her in jest. even my brother burst out laughing. i was bringing out the plates, laughing and clutching my sides trying to tahan gelak!

i've an exam tomorrow, have to continue reading those Greek lectures notes.

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